Monday, 26 December 2011

The hair...THE HAIR

All my favorite Austen hair.  If I didn't like the hair, I didn't post it here, no matter how hot the guy is / was.  Of course, I didn't post any good hair if the face isn't up to par.  No good faces with bad hair here.  Was hair really like this circa 1800?  Was it this dreamy?  I LOVE HAIR.

Here they are, by order of hair-ness:

Jeremy Northam as Mr Knightley

Rupert Penry Jones as Captain Wentworth
Colin Firth as Mr Darcy
Simon Woods as Mr Bingley
(and Matthew Macfayden as Mr Darcy,
but his hair is too lank and greasy)
James McAvoy as Tom Lefroy

And because he's my favorite, I'm listing him again, from a different angle.

Simon Woods as Mr Bingley

. . . SIGH . . .

Saturday, 24 December 2011

O by golly

Yesterday, 23 December, I started preparing for Christmas.  It involved buying a bunch of food.  B will get the booze.  Prep complete.  I did not buy a single gift; mainly because I can't afford it, and even if I could afford a few gifts I certainly can't afford to send them back to the States.  The shipping would cost more than anything I bought, and while it's the thought that counts, everything counts when one has no income.  

I couldn't find the only two movies I really wanted to watch on Christmas: Love, Actually and Bridget Jones' Diary.  A Christmas Story can wait til next year (sorry, Cait - but you don't read this anyway).

I think that the whole greatness / worstness of Christmas IS the preparation.  Sure, some people like to say "Jesus is the reason for the season!" and that imbues the holiday with some extra special thoughts and feelings if you believe in it.  Of course, I would argue the real reason for the season is older than Christianity and that Christmas just got plastered over it, but whatever, it's just history.  However...really it's the building excitement / horrible breakdowns that make Christmas what it is.  I'm totally missing out now.  I have been for years.  I've removed myself from the worst ergo I don't get to experience the best.  

For now I'm ok with it.  Honestly I just want to go to parties and hang out with people and eat and drink. That's all the Christmas I need.  Maybe I'll even decorate something someday.  I admit that part of the fun of going home on Christmas is just to see how the house has been dressed up.

Merry Christmas dear reader friends.  I'm thinking of everyone I love today (and tomorrow and always).

Tuesday, 13 December 2011


In the spirit of not doing real work, I'm cleaning up my papers and notes.  Just some stuff I will preserve on the internets so I don't need the bits of paper...

For some reason this cracked me up at the time - maybe because L is super religious and she was trying to figure out why I had stopped believing in Catholicism while she had converted to it.  You know how converts are, and if you don't, you don't want to know.
L: What do you think happens when you die? 
Me: I don't feel qualified to answer that. 

Because it's funny:
"We been having this party for years.  It seems like every year it gets to be a little bit more fun, couple more people come.  It started off small, and the younger people are comin'...this year we had a girl come and everything..." - Trekkies

From my serious Chuck P phase, a couple from Lullabye:
"There are worse things you can do to the people you love than kill them." (128)
"No matter how much you love someone, you still want to have your own way." (148)

My two favorite quotes from American Movie:
"And then I realized one thing, you know, in a Christian-coated ethical arena, why you should you be successful while others are not?  Well you know what...I got over that guilt cuz you know what - hey, I don't know the answer...I don't know why I don't know cuz it feels like in a Christian..what Jesus would be saying is totally unchristian, man.  To try to get ahead because everyone is on an equal level playing field on equal par.  But you know what I'm not a Christian.  I'm half and half, man.  Uhhh..half the Satanist idea and half the Christian idea...  Satanist idea, which the purest of human endeavors, to Christianity, which is the purest of higher levels." (Might not be entirely accurate.  The person who wrote it down for me didn't really believe in punctuation so I'm trying to guess where it was to convey the tone.)
"Well, I been losing about 10 bucks a day for the last week.  Well, here's what I think of the lottery.  I think it's like when you play the lottery sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but it's better than using drugs or alcohol, because when you use drugs or alcohol, especially drugs, you always lose."

Monday, 12 December 2011

School's out for winter

Classes are over.  Serious work begins.

So, obviously I spent the last day cleaning up my email.  I still have a month, after all.

Having a few interesting nights.  One was with Brittany, her two flatmates, and their friend / colleague (7 Dec).  It was an Italian-Greek-German-American smash hit.  Went to Walkabout Temple on Friday (9 Dec).  Not exactly recommended, but an alright experience.  Brick Lane for some curry on Saturday (10 Dec).  Drinks in Shoreditch apres, naturlich (I'm sure you like it when I mix all the languages I know anything about - just imagine the accent grave and umlaut).

Worked on my practice website a great deal yesterday.  I've learned a lot this year.  I must be coming up on full capacity soon ;)

I hope everyone saw the photos of my day out with Brittany last Sunday (as in 4 Dec).

Here's a nice quote from an email from a friend:

Why are you right oh so often?
I've been reading happy potter-the first book n im on chapter 9, I've
not even turned on my tv for 2weeks unless I have company cos of
reading. Blast! Only because its just more reasons to listen to you
and admit your right, curses

Here's something I want remember:

According to John Waters' Crackpot,  a hair-hopper is a "fashion victim who spends too much time on his or her 'look,' does it poorly, and sees no irony in the predicament." (p. 194)

A not so memorable chat, but amusing nonetheless
(I changed the name to anon, though clearly not to protect any innocence):

4:13 PM me: asshole
4:14 PM anon: you are the asshole
  assholery all on u
4:15 PM me: please enjoy those suggestions
4:16 PM here
 anon: fucking fuckerton

18 minutes
4:34 PM me: what

Hope I haven't missed anything.  O - maybe I'll mention I watched Four Rooms again and had forgotten it was so good!

Also, great post Becca mentioned on fb about the perils of too many internets (in case you missed my re-posts on every social media network I have).

AND I was carded twice in the last two weeks.  I don't get it.  How in the world can I pass for under 18?